Pejuta Winyan Tincture (2oz dropper bottle)
Ingredients: Lady's mantle, raspberry leaves, calendula, burdock root, plant glycerin, and water (alcohol-free)
Pejuta Wiŋyaŋ (pay-jshoo-tah weeŋ-yahŋ) means women's medicine in Lakota. Use this tincture for hormonal and pH balance, reducing pain caused by menstrual cramps, and for overall women's reproductive health.
Dosage: Take 1-2 dropperfuls once daily (not recommended for children under 18 unless given approval by a primary care doctor)
- Women should not take Pejuta Winyan Tincture (specifically burdock root) while pregnant, if they are trying to become pregnant, or while breastfeeding.
Burdock root and calendula may cause allergic reactions and other side effects. People who should avoid burdock root and calendula include: people with a history of allergies to plants, unless a doctor suggests otherwise people taking diuretics, diabetes medication, or blood thinners. People with chronic or life-threatening health conditions should ask their doctor before using burdock root or calendula.
Storage: Tinctures have a shelf life of 1 year IF properly stored. Proper storage is to keep the tincture in a cool, dry place away from sunlight (medicine cabinet, pantry, etc) and make sure the bottle is tightly sealed after opening. After opening, the tincture should be refrigerated within 1 month, or unopened within 1-2 months to prevent molding.
Medicinal benefits of Lady's mantle: Lady's mantle has a wide variety of uses, but is most commonly known as the "women's herb" due to its wide application for numerous gynecological problems. It seems to have an affinity for the female reproductive organs, restoring tone and vitality to the uterus. Lady's mantle has traditionally been used for issues associated with the reproductive system such as painful periods, irregularity, lack of bleeding, excessive bleeding, headache, uterine prolapse, abnormal and excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal infections, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, post-partum disorders and hot flashes. As you can see, Lady's Mantle makes a great herbal ally for most women of any age!
Lady’s mantle is one of the top traditional herbs used for menstruation problems. Pure natural extract of Lady's mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris) consists of vasorelaxant properties, meaning it relaxes the tension in the blood vessels and reduces the pain of menstrual cramping. Lady's mantle also strengthens the endometrium (the uterine lining), and by doing so can solve many issues related to menstruation. Lady's mantle can also help fight visible signs of aging due to the antioxidants in the herb, which can help to get rid of free radicals and ensure your skin’s elasticity is maintained for a long time.
During menopause, there are hormonal imbalances that occur in the woman's body. Many Ayurvedic and allopathic experts recommend Lady's mantle to be used as a uterine astringent and uterine tonic. Lady's mantle can help overcome the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, anxiety, irritation, and pain.
Lady’s mantle is quite effective for those women experiencing yeast, fungal or vaginal infections. It also decreases the itchiness and abnormal vaginal discharge caused by these infections.
Along with women's health issues, Lady’s mantle has been also used for stomach pain and indigestion due to its great astringent properties. Lady’s mantle helps to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and prevents bloody stool discharge. The anti-inflammatory properties of Lady’s Mantle help in the treatment of piles and hemorrhoids.
Antioxidant properties of Lady’s mantle prevent your liver from oxidative damages. The rich amount of polyphenolics and flavonoids in Lady’s mantle helps in liver protection and also removes the toxin from the body.
Lastly, it's also worth noting that Lady's mantle has stress-relieving properties, and can help with conditions relating to stress, such as anxiety or insomnia.
Medicinal benefits of raspberry leaf: Red raspberry leaf is perhaps one of the most historically venerated herbal uterine tonics. It is used during pregnancy to strengthen the uterus, improve labor outcome, and prevent excessive bleeding after birth. Red raspberry leaf has been used as a uterine tonic and general pregnancy tea for at least two centuries. Although this botanical is often mistakenly recommended to induce labor, its actual role is to increase blood flow to the uterus and aid the uterine muscle fibers in more organized contraction. Studies indicate that some of the plant components, such as fragrine, an alkaloid, do act directly on smooth muscle.
Historical uses of raspberry leaf include prevention of miscarriage, prevention of postdates pregnancy, decrease of discomfort in prodromal labor, and decrease of morning sickness. Red raspberry leaf was also probably consumed for nutritional support because the plant contains many nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium. Overall, the herb does seem to reduce the risk for postdates pregnancy and appears safe for general use.
Medicinal benefits of calendula: calendula (marigold) is rich in antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that neutralize the harmful effects of oxidative stress in your body. Calendula extract possesses several potent antioxidants, including triterpenes, flavonoids, polyphenols, and carotenoids.
Additionally, calendula boasts anti-inflammatory compounds, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). While inflammation is a normal bodily response, chronic inflammation is linked to multiple conditions, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.
Calendula may help treat oral conditions, such as gingivitis, which is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gums, and is one of the most common oral diseases.
Medicinal benefits of burdock root: Burdock root is widely known for it's blood detoxifying and hormonal balancing properties. Burdock root is used to support a healthy menstrual cycle and reduce menopausal symptoms.
Burdock root is a powerhouse of antioxidants. Research from a study done in 2010 found that burdock root contains multiple types of powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids. It also removes toxins from the blood, may inhibit some types of cancer, and can be an aphrodisiac.
Free radicals and inflammation are both linked to the development of cancer. This means that burdock root’s role as an antioxidant anti-inflammatory might help to prevent cancer. Preliminary research also supports the notion that burdock can help slow the growth of cancer. A 2016 study found that burdock might slow the growth of breast cancer tumors.